We are learning to re-align ourselves to the vibration of healing, the innate capacity of all living systems to find a new level of wholeness. Healing is generous, scale-linking, wise...

"Healers on the front-lines"

I remember hearing this idea of 'healers on the front-lines' a number of years ago, and it chimed so well with a growing sense that we are living in a time where  integrating healing approaches within all of life, whether in our health, work, finances, food systems, community, environment, relationships - IS the work that is needed now.

Since then, I've been developing approaches and communities of practice based on core principles that help us to experience healing across many different scales and systems - from our bodies, hearts and minds, to the world around us.

When we understand how to partner with the power of healing, it changes the way we live and work, and transforms our organisations, environment, communities. It is powerful, regenerative work...

Supporting your role as a Regenerative, Healer, Elder...

Healing-Centred Life sessions are free for anyone to attend, and run each month in 2 time zones, so hopefully you will be able to join from wherever you are in the world. 

The circles bring together people with healing and regenerative practices of all shapes and sizes, whether they work in education, healthcare, food, wellbeing, journalism, consulting, business agriculture, finance, environment. 

Click here for a list of upcoming sessions, and to book your place. 

Regenerative Confluence is a subscription-based membership community, bringing together Regeneratives, Healers and Elders to listen, learn and reflect together. 

For just £20.00 a month you can access multiple learning events and reflective spaces each month, hosted by Katherine Long and a team of highly seasoned practitioners who bring a wealth of experience, compassion and wisdom. 

You can access a wide range of courses, retreats and other events which are tailored to the needs of Regeneratives, Healers and Elders. We are currently in the process of scheduling the 2024/25 programme, but in the meantime please have a look at the different courses coming up. 

You may also wish to consider 121 coaching, please fill in the inquiry form to set up a chemistry call. 

Get in touch... 

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