Nature inspired, supporting people all over the world to bring healing principles to life

About Katherine Long

My childhood in Hokkaido, in northern Japan meant I grew up with mountains, snow, and a feeling for wild spaces that has never left me. Neither has an appreciation for diversity of culture and different ways of understanding and relating to the world. 

I hope I weave both into my work - the wisdom of Nature, the ability to hold space for the liminal and the unexpected, helping to bridge divides. 


My professional background for the last 30 years has centred around cross-cultural communication, leadership and organisation development. I've worked extensively on programme design, especially for the coaching community. 

II've always felt more at home working with approaches that honour ourselves as expressions of Nature, and therefore seeing organisations as living, breathing ecosystems. When we can really see and experience ourselves in that way, we realise, that in common with all living systems, the capacity for healing is already within. The top down, fix-it 'doing to' model that has dominated for so long is breaking down, and we are rediscovering how to partner wit the principles of healing both for ourselves, and in community. 

That's been the focus of my work for the last 10 years or so, and in early 2023 I set up Evolution Healing as a separate entity with the mission of supporting as many people around the world to understand and apply healing principles  in the contexts they are working with - whether that be in education, healthcare, agriculture and food systems, construction, manufacturing, environment, humanitarian well as in personal life and relationships. I particularly believe in supporting Regeneratives (including regenerative coaches), Healers and Elders as important visionaries and catalysts for the transformations that are needed. 


In order to fulfil that mission, in an inclusive and accessible way, I am committed to supporting:




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